Become a member and show your support for gun control


Become a member

Membership of Gun Control NZ is only $10, but you can donate more. Sign up by clicking on the button below (credit card payment) or pay by bank deposit. Your membership fees and donations help spread the word about gun control in New Zealand.

By signing up, you agree that you support our basic platform of a gun register, a strengthened ban on semi-automatics, and a shorter licence period.

We respect your privacy. Your name and contact details are not shared with anyone outside of the administrative team of Gun Control NZ.

Sign up with a credit card


Or contribute By BANK DEPOSIT

If you prefer to pay by bank deposit, please fill in the form below. If you’d like to make a regular recurring donation, please do so by bank deposit. Make a deposit to:

Gun Control NZ Incorporated
38 9020 0520557 00

Please make sure to include your name on the bank deposit details.


Membership form

Please fill out the form below if you’d like to join via bank deposit.


Other ways to support


Tell your friends, family and workmates about Gun Control NZ and help spread the word.


Gun Control NZ is run by volunteers. If you’d like to help out you can email at with suggestions.


If you need to get in touch with us, drop us a line at
